Brandbucket Sold Domains

Brandbucket Sold Domains

Brandbucket Sold Domains

Finally, a table that allows you to sort brandbucket sold domains by Domain, Date and RegDate.

The table displays 3 months worth of sold domains at any given point of time.

Now we all know how useful  sales data could be so lets have a look at some quick stats. As of time of writing this post:

There are about  62 Two word combinations  sales for the past 3 months

 There are about  20 sales for the past 3months

There are about  6 sales for the past 3 months

Popular endings were:   ly +9 ,  io +5 , vo +4,  ia +3

In the brandable domaining industry statics has shown that some keywords that contains certain color keywords makes a good brandable domain, this fact was backed up sales data gathered by Nameio so is it true with data that Dnbolt got from brandbucket.

There were 3 Color/Keyword names found were , and

I hope this table will be useful, if not still stay tuned as more useful tools & data gets released for public consumption. If you still have any critics, please share them with me.


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