Brandbucket and Brandroot Sales Review

Brandbucket Sales Review With Brandroot

Once again let’s analyse Brandbucket sales data to discover patterns but this time with Brandroot sales data and the domains of the 1,100 start-ups that have been funded by Y Combinator. This could enable us see which trends are real and true everywhere.

Disclosure: All analysis that were carried out on this post was done using approximately 3,000 Brandbucket sold domains, approximately 900 Brandroot sold domains and 1100  start-up domains funded by YCombinator.

On there is a post  which highlights useful stats derived from past Brandbcuket sales data which has been very useful and has helped numerous people. But during the past 4 years there has been slight changes. For this reason the graph below was produced.




From the graph above you can easily see where Brandbucket and Brandroot agrees. Domains ending in “ly” seems do very well at Brandbucket but brandable domains ending in ra,ia, ic,ro,va,us,go,za seems to perform well both on Brandbucket and Brandroot. Domains ending in “zo” has slightly lot’s its peak.

How is this reliable? Let us introduce domains that were used by start-ups funded by YCombinator and see what it tells us. But wait, who is YCombinator? YCombinator is an American seed accelerator, started in March 2005. Twice per year, Y Combinator invests around $120,000 into many start-ups in return for 7% of the business. The start-ups then move to Silicon Valley for three months to work with Y Combinator. Funded companies include Reddit, DropBox and AirBnB. Now that we know who they are we can see why there are relevant in this analysis.

Brandbucket vs Brandroot vs YCombinator

Now which last 2 characters is the winner? Domains ending in “ly”? Not so fast.  Based on this analysis domains ending in “er” is the winner. er =>1st , ly=>2nd, ra=>3rd, ia=>4th , le=>5th, [io,ic]=> 6th. This is awesome, I can now go and buy many brandable domains ending in “er” as they are super valuable? Not so fast! If this is what you have in mind then please for your safety take a thousand step back and don’t get so excited yet. There are many other factors such as domain length, keywords, use case, compatibility… in fact it even gets more complicated than that.

Let’s now look at popular first letter alaphabet.

There was a similar analysis done on the frequency of first letter alphabet of sold domains by They used approximately 500 domains whilst we used about 6 times that and we still got closely related data. You can see that only small sample of data are needed to draw a stable conclusion.

So again, you can see the graph speaks for itself. Less popular first letter alphabets in the data analysed are j,q,x,y,w,u. By observation you can spot more things?

Below you would find a link to download the entire Brandbucket’s inventory this will enable you:

  1. Determine where the advantages lies by comparing the frequency of the first letter of domains listed for sale and with the frequency of sold domains
  2. Analyse the inventory to work out how their naming system works and leverage it to your best advantage.
  3. Work out what domain names are more likely to be approved. Sounds good? Then grab it here. For list of YCombinator funded start up domains grab it here.

Below is the list for Brandbucket December 2016 Sales. Grab that too and see if you can discover something new.


Brandbucket December 2016 Sales

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Highest sale recorded for the month of December was for $69,995 registered since 2001-01-24 followed by for $64,995 registered since 1996-02-29. One interesting thing to note is that NHS the largest health service provider was pointing to instead of (British grocery and general merchandise retailer)  As a result of this NHS  was unknowingly leading people to Brandbucket. I am guessing the owner never knew this. Below is a screenshot for a closer look.


Now let’s see what Brandroot has in store for us, almost seems as if we have forgotten about them.


Brandroot December 2016 Sales

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