Namerific Brandable Domain Marketplace
Brandbucket I know, Brandroot I know but who is Namerific?
Namerific is a popular brandable marketplace where you can find cool company names to buy as well domain investors could sell their brandable domains through Namerific. Recently, Namerific has introduced various features and improvements in the past couple of months to keep in pace with other brandable domain marketplace.
From October, Namerific has slashed the listing fee for domains by half, bringing down the domain listing fee to just $4, which is less than half of what other brandable domain marketplace charge for listing domains. And yes, you will be getting a great looking logo for your domain designed by professional designers and an equally good description written for your domain for just $4.
Also, in the past there were lots of complaints from Namerific members about the long domain review time taken by Namerific, so keeping the complaints from sellers in mind, Namerific has greatly decreased the domain review process time, and they can now accept/reject the domains submitted by sellers in a matter of a day or two.
Another unique feature Namerific has added which will please most of the new GTLD’s investors is that Namerific has stepped out from listing just the traditional .com’s domains to being the first brandable domain marketplace that can list domains in any extensions, be it .net,.co,.org or the new GTLD’s like .club,.io,.xyz as long as the domain names meet the Namerific’s criteria for listing. Namerific already has a couple of .clubs, .top domains you can check for sale in the namerific marketplace for sale.
The brandable domain marketplace also has another good news for domain sellers involved with Namerific, the marketplace has been able to sell super premium domains for high prices regularly as it just sold some time back for a 5-figure price range. Also, Namerific sells other middle priced brandable domains regularly. Some of the recent brandable domain sales through Namerific platform were,,,, etc.
And Namerific has started the year 2017 in a high by selling for $1400 and for a cool $4999.
Namerific also has a great inventory of brandable, premium, 4 letter, 3 letter and dictionary word domains for buyers to choose from. Also Namerific is brokering super premium domains such as which is valued at 2 million dollars, as well as other high valued 3 letter, 4 letters and dictionary word domains such as, , , , etc. among others.
So, whether you are buying or selling your domain through Namerific in 2017, you are in for a treat at Namerific this year.
Thanks for info, great to know about namerific marketplace.
Do you work for Namerific?
It would be nice to. 🙂