Brandbucket Daily Sales Analysis:,

This is the first series of brandbucket daily sales analysis. The intention for this article is to gain a deeper insights on brandable domain market. Today we shall be looking at the sales of two domains simultaneously.

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Lets now dive into more facts about  the domain Fitalytics

Note the following.

Registration Date:  2010-06-02

Month of Sale:  2016-05

Domain Length:  10 Characters

Domain Historybrandbucket domains

As  you can see the current nameserver from the image suggests that the domain was recently added to brandbucket marketplace. Also that the domain was first registered back in 2008 although the current registration date  is 2010-06-02   We can also see that it’s very likely that the domain has changed hands prior its sale on brandbucket.

Other Extensions :  1 other extensions has been taken

Google Popularity:  On Google first page results it has 9 similar mentions excluding where domain is brandbucket. The most interesting part  is that the name “Fitalytic”  was mentioned on CrunchBase.  We can conclude that it’s Google Popularity is strong.

Social Handles:  It’s Twitter handle has been taking since 2012.  The Facebook handle has also been taken.

Dictionary Keywords:  Fit,  and  Italy.

Keyword contained in Brandbucket Sold List:  Aly  Example of brandbucket sold domain that contain such keyword  .

Other Keywords:  Taly, Alytic, Aly

Similar end user domain currently in use:   This simply suggests some trends from the word Alytic.


Finally lets look into revgrow

Registration Date:  2015-05-04

Month of Sale:  2016-05

Domain Length:  7 Characters

Domain History: brandbucket domains 

We can see here that this domain has greater years of history. From looking at the nameserver changes we can see that prior to it’s re-registration on May 2015 it was only aged 1 years before it dropped. Perhaps this suggest we should consider looking at years when sorting through pending delete domains. Interestingly enough it was once parked on efty before transferred over to brandbucket.

Other Extensions :  None.

Google Popularity:  On Google first page results it has 8 similar mentions excluding where the domain is brandbucket. We can conclude that it’s Google Popularity is fairly strong.

Social Handles:  It’s Twitter handle has been taking since 2009.  The Facebook handle has also been taken. Diving deeper into the twitter profile we can see that the user listed his domain   this suggest this could have been a potential buyer.

Dictionary Keywords:  Grow

Keyword contained in Brandbucket Sold List: Rev, Gro  

Example of brandbucket sold domains that contain  Rev as keyword:,, and others…

Example of brandbucket sold domains that contain Gro   as keyword:,,  and others but decided to list theses ones as there are  from recent sales.

Other Keywords:  EVG, VGR

Similar end user domain currently in use :, 

I hope you found these breakdown useful stay tuned for more insights on brandable domaining.

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